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Roku Moves From Black Box to Platform With New Channel Store

Roku's little boxes have been the hardware staple for those looking for a specific device to stream movies and TV from Netflix, Amazon, and and display it on a TV. With so many other devices integrating the real draw functionality (Netflix) these days winding up in homes everywhere, it looks like Roku is finally opening up their little box to content providers with their new "Roku Channel Store." 

MobileRSS iPhone App Review

I don't know, but it just seems like RSS is so under-rated.  It certainly takes a backseat to Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Alltop, StumbleUpon, Reddit, and so many other online services that bask in the glory of media attention and daily mention basically everywhere.  Some even declare that RSS is dying, soon to be replaced by Twitter (or whomever else.)

A Mac Lover's Review of Windows 7

Many, if not most of my posts here, are infused with some Mac-ery goodness - no surprise to the rest of the blogging community, journalists, or social media freaks (whom many of which are Apple-heads.)

What about pretty much everyone else, though?  Doesn't it get old hearing everybody yap their traps about how awesome Apple is and constantly diss Windows like the family outcast?  Well, be annoyed no more, as Redmond's latest creation, Windows 7, is super-slick - and rights most of the wrongs perpetrated by the abomination typically known as Vista.

Netflix Streaming Arrives on PS3 Next Month


Kindle Experience Headed for the PC (and Mac)

Hands on with the GlideTV Navigator


GlideTV Navigator is the latest entrant into the HTPC, over-the-top video remote control space. And, after several days with a review unit, two things have surprised me… in a very positive way.



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