Top Ten Signs You've Been Playing Way Too Much Fallout 3

Befitting to the game that basically destroyed my social life for the past two months (and reviewed recently), I've put together a short list of ways that you can tell you're just a little too addicted to Fallout 3.

Remember, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

So, here goes:

#10.  You feel a sudden urge to buy swing and ragtime CD's

#9.  When you squashed that bug on your wall yesterday, you actually muttered "d@mn radroach" under your breath

#8.  You taught yourself Morse Code to find out what those towers were broadcasting, only to be disappointed it wasn't anything cool or secret

#7.  You press the V.A.T.S. button in other FPS's by force of habit, only to get fragged when you realize it isn't there

#6. Your girlfriend hates the game because she knows every time you turn it on you won't hear anything she says to you

#5.  You've woken up aforementioned girlfriend at 2:30AM on a weekday with the blaring sounds of emptying your Chinese Assult Rifle into a Super Mutant

#4.  You hum "I Don't Want to Start the World On Fire" on a regular basis and don't even realize it

#3.  There's a staggering sense of emptiness there now that you've beaten the game

#2. You plan on filling that empty space by playing through the whole game again, this time by being "good" rather than blowing the heads off of random townspeople

#1.  You wish EVERY game had a "Bloody Mess" perk

[Read my full review of Fallout 3]


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